Monday, August 21, 2006

What left-wing media conceals from YOU:

1. The Lebanon/Israel secret that could spell the immediate end of US dependence on salad oil, post-mortem deodorant creams and Dick Cheney brand shotguns.

2. The truth about Bush’s obsession with learning how to read and pronoun English words like “nuclear” and “goat.”

3. The terror plot against The New York Subway System and everyone who rides on it without carrying steam-power tweezers.

4. The real reason France may back out of its promise to supply peace-keeping troops with lifetime supplies of Camembert cheese.

5. If and why Pluto is zigzagging toward Earth at over 4,550 miles a second even as you read this.

6. If Bush is getting even richer through a secret relationship with someone in the royal family of the country precisely 5,506 miles from its biggest former colony.

7. Whether Microsoft can truly create the Invulnerable Patch for Gambian storm windows sold before 1980.

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