Saturday, May 20, 2006

In spite of popular demand MORE HOW-TO'S!

  1. Hammer in spikes using nothing but soap bubbles and overdone spaghetti
  2. Officiate at the burial of illegal immigrant pygmies
  3. Implant mammoth boobs on the butt of an anorexic ballerina
  4. Cure hemorrhoids with an underwater piledriver
  5. Exterminate a gunfighter by hurling a bible straight through his heart
  6. Hide a bat in a blimp
  7. Immerse your spouse in melted cheese without gunking up her jewelry
  8. Choose suitable condoms for cats, turtles and leaky ballpoints
  9. Select a gift for jobless expatriate werewolves
  10. Serve carbonated drinks to thirsty goldfish

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