Wednesday, October 25, 2006

"Slim" Kalery at rest, CLEVELAND, 1967

"Slim" Kalery at rest, CLEVELAND, 1967
Originally uploaded by qwurky.

Even world-class marathon runners have to take it easy every once in a while -- and so it is with "Slim."

When his hair begins to have a political agenda, his bicep start pouting and his kidneys demand the right to use the family car, well, he knows it's time to slow down from a dead stop -- a feat which only the greatest resters even attempt.

He held this position for 30 minutes before holding it for another half-hour.

Was that hour half-full, or half-alive?

Uploaded by qwurky on 24 Oct '06, 11.59pm CEST.

Even world-class marathon runners have to take it easy every once in a while -- and so it is with "Slim."

When his hair begins to have a political agenda, his bicep start pouting and his kidneys demand the right to use the family car, well, he knows it's time to slow down from a dead stop -- a feat which only the greatest resters even attempt.

He held this position for 30 minutes before holding it for another half-hour.

Was that hour half-full, or half-alive?

Uploaded by qwurky on 24 Oct '06, 11.59pm CEST.

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