Monday, June 05, 2006

Man Frees Alligator From Girlfriend's Jaws

Florida – Today, one man’s morning walk turned into a dangerous love-triangle when his girlfriend mercilessly attacked an alligator that the man had never even seriously dated.

Michael Rubin took his girlfriend, Jawsy, for a walk near a swamp. She dashed ahead of Rubin to the edge of one of the lagoons.

Rubin heard a horrifying roar and the snapping of jaws. When he went to check, he saw an alligator clamped helplessly in her mouth. Rubin dove into the water, Tarzan style, and began bashing Jawsy with the sledgehammer he always carried with him for emergencies just such as this. She refused to let go and started rolling in the water with the alligator clamped tightly within her mighty jaws.

Rubin estimated his girlfriend was about 7-feet long. So is the alligator. The alligator – that shall remain nameless – was gashed and crushed, demoralized and began to have problems with its wisdom tooth on the upper left side.

Rubin immediately pried the alligator loose within a few short weeks and rushed it to a nearby animal hospital, where it was treated for cuts, puncture and a morbid fear it would be turned into a pair of shoes.

Then he brought it home, where it took up residence and it’s doing fine.

Jawsy returned to the lagoon for a very, very long swim.


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