Friday, March 19, 2010

A girl speaks her mind about celibacy

Brooding on a bench by the beach

Maybe it's just me, but I prefer to wait until after I'm married to go celibate. Yes, it has a lot to do with my Christian faith and with respect I'll demand from my future husband -- and for myself.

I'd much rather have my husband know that I stay pure during marriage, at least in relation to him.

I get a lot of praise and a lot of criticism, but mostly people don't give a hoot what I do -- though I'm positive my husband will!

Some people say I should give celibacy a try before marriage; they compared it to trying out a new car.

If you don't wait, great -- but I'll wait as long as I have to, right up until my wedding day -- and if I don't get married, then guess I'll be spending a lot of time on my back (or other mutually satisfying positions whatsoever that I can dream up.)

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