My blog: photos I took in Barcelona, with misleading titles and tags. Bush nude, raw non-lethal porn, celery recipes, Lies,intimate punctuation secrets, Gaudi, La Pedrera, Fox News, Nikon,and loads of other thrilling stuff nowhere to be found in this blog. My blog contains nothing remotely worthwhile; Don't expect fulfillment or chuckles.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Topless girl showering at the beach somewhat like Megan Fox or Mindy Vega
I don't usually notice shower-poles like this, but, observing how smooth it is and how conveniently-located, it was hard to miss.
Although the girl -- in fact both of them in the photo -- forgot their tops, the view is, to me, quite acceptable, from the beach-bum's point of view.
What do you think?
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Neighbors, creating word-pix of hot chicks
Neighbors, creating word-pix of hot chicks
Originally uploaded by qwurky.
Just guessing, but I guess they 're running over the finer points of girls in bikinis without any clothes on -- a very common subject among boys this age.
Or maybe they're talking about what they see through the back of their heads, up behind them: me, behind my Nikon!
We may never know!
(And we surely don't care!)
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Beating the blues into a pulpy mush!
Beating the blues into a pulpy mush!
Originally uploaded by qwurky.
Don't let your moods boss you around!
Remember, any time you're feeling too upbeat, a little concentration on the economy, how fast your aging and the crappy low-lifes all around you -- and you can just grab you feelings by the bootstraps and tug them straight down!
Start TODAY, even though, of course, it's far too late!
Uploaded by qwurky on 16 Mar 08, 8.42AM CET.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Green Swirl
Green Swirl
Originally uploaded by qwurky.
If you unswirl this right, doing everything very, very carefully, you'll have something even less worthwhile than what I already posted.
Don't bother. Pretend you're a real young kid and that just a plain, old stupid dumb green spiral is fun.
To me - or the little kid inside me who often runs the show - this little bit of playing around is a pleasure, simple, but true.
That's all for now, folks!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Topless girl showering at the beach somewhat like Scarlett Johansen
Topless girl showering at the beach somewhat like Laure Manaudou
Originally uploaded by qwurky.
I don't usually notice shower-poles like this, but, observing how smooth it is and how conveniently-located, it was hard to miss.
Although the girl -- in fact both of them in the photo -- forgot their tops, the view is, to me, quite acceptable, from the beach-bum's point of view.
What do you think?