Not me -- not even to focus on the incredible stone block these women are sitting on!
The legs - VERY NUDE (Left) - are somewhat worthwhile, too.
My blog: photos I took in Barcelona, with misleading titles and tags. Bush nude, raw non-lethal porn, celery recipes, Lies,intimate punctuation secrets, Gaudi, La Pedrera, Fox News, Nikon,and loads of other thrilling stuff nowhere to be found in this blog. My blog contains nothing remotely worthwhile; Don't expect fulfillment or chuckles.
Your tastiest friends disappear,
Your wife gives up vegetarianism,
Your wife looks thoughtfully at your meatiest parts (thighs, for example),
She pokes fun at vegetarians
She tends to bite when you kiss,
She overly-grateful when you're tender,
She buys a pans in the shape of your body parts,
When she’s near you, she licks her lips and drools,
She seems to feel maybe you ought to go to pot,
She buys you a meat thermometer though you never actually cook yourself.
She insists on helping you in the kitchen rather than letting you cook yourself.